The Vision for EmetZionMusic

The Project

We are, with God’s help, rebuilding the Tabernacle of David that has fallen down with a new sound and new worship. From the old to the new, the full counsel of God!  We are in the studios recording right now, arranging for a Symphony Orchestra to back up the guitar and all vocals.  We covet your prayers and support as God moves upon your hearts.

Once the recording is completed we will attempt to bring the music to life through film.  King David was a man after God’s own heart, who ceaselessly worshiped His God, the Holy One of Israel, the One True God!  And as it were three thousand years ago, so we are in need of pure, unadulterated worship.  And we find that in Micha’el, a Hebrew Psalmist, a today’s man after God’s own heart. In his worship music, the old and the new meet together and kiss so perfectly in harmony.

“ On that day I will raise up The Tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in days of old; that they may possess the remnant of Edom, and all the gentiles who are called by My Name,” says the Lord who does this thing.”

Amos 9:11-12

Using beautiful recorded Hebrew songs from the Psalms / Tehilim and other Hebrew scriptures, with all new and original melodies inspired from Heaven itself, accompanied by stringed instruments of all kind, a symphony orchestra; we will shoot film footage in Israel to portray the Jewish culture and life, the beautiful people and the land of Israel to give life to the words being sung to each song and to bring forth its message with clarity and depth.

We will include some storytelling and testimonies of the very people of the land.  We will not be silent until God makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth as it is written in Scripture.

Our hope or goal is to glorify the Holy One of Israel, as we co-labor with him to fulfill His word for He Himself ‘is watching over his word to perform it!’

The songs combined with film footage of Jerusalem, and different parts of Eretz Yisrael as well as of the people of Israel will each tell a story according to the Scriptures being sung and will serve as a double-edged sword which will touch hearts and cause people to see and understand that God has not forsaken or abandoned Israel but is once again visiting Israel in a very special way, for “the time to favor Zion, yes the set time, has come.”  And He is calling all nations to co-labor with Him as He redeems Israel, and all creation.

“That they may see and know, and consider and understand together, that the Hand of the Lord has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it.”

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 41:20

“So shall He sprinkle many nations. Kings shall shut their mouths at Him; for what had not been told them they shall see, and what they had not heard they shall consider.”

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 52:15

“The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls and their kings shall minister to you.”

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 60:10

“On Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; the house of Yaakov shall possess their possessions….Then Moshi’im / saviors shall come to Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the Kingdom shall be the LORD’s.” Obadiah:17,21

“For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation/yeshuah as a lamp that burns.”

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 62:1

“I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night… You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, and give yourself no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”

Yeshayahu/Isaiah 62:6-7

“Indeed the Lord has proclaimed to the end of the world: “Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Surely your Salvation/Yeshua is coming; behold His reward is with Him, and His work before Him.’ ” And they shall call them the Holy People, the Redeemed of the Lord; and you shall be called Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken.” Yeshayahu/Isaiah 62:11-12

It is written, and we are commanded in the Word of God (Tehilim/Psalm 122:6) to “Ask or Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.” Let us do so! And let us do more than just pray, but let us put our feet to our prayers in actions and mitzvot (good deeds) and let us do something practical towards her Peace!

Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) shall inherit her Peace, and shall be called the City of Truth, the Holy City, and the City of the Great King! We feel that this is God’s appointed time for a project such as this to reach Israel and all the nations and to bring all back to TORAH, and back to the knowledge of the One True God, the Holy One of Israel.

The double DVD/CD will be used to promote Alyah amongst Jewish brethren throughout the diaspora, and to promote global tourism to Israel amongst especially the believing Community, Zionist Christians. We hope to partner with organizations such as Nefesh b Nefesh and the like, to help in the fulfillment of the Scriptures from the prophets that the children of Israel are to be gathered from all the nations where God had scattered them and to return to Eretz Yisrael; WHERE GOD PROMISES THAT THEY WILL DWELL SAFELY. (See Echezkel/Ezekiel 28:24-26)

Proceeds from this project will be allocated for Jewish Aliyah and the victims of terror, the poor, the widow and the fatherless of the world. We only hope to be a voice that brings healing to this broken world.  With God we can do all things for His glory!

And may God’s Kingdom come and His will be done and He alone be glorified for all praises and honor and dominion and power belong to Him who sits on the Throne forever and ever.  Amein! 

“In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem: ‘Do not fear; Zion, let not your hands be weak. The Lord your God is in your midst, the Mighty One will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His Love, He will rejoice over you with singing.’” ZEPHANIAH 3:16-17

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