Everyone seems to be excited about Mashiach in one way, form or another, Jew and Christian alike and even the Muslim is eagerly waiting for the 12th Imam or Mahdi! It’s GOOD and awesome to want Mashiach RIGHT NOW & to desire the Geulah/Redemption that He brings along with Him right this instant, but honestly, let’s ask ourselves: just how badly do we really want HIM? Or better yet how badly do we want to know the Truth about HIM?

All around me I hear people and especially my brethren, the Jews, chanting, singing, SHOUTING: “We want Mashiach NOW!” But just as it was 2,000 years ago, there is STILL a cost to FOLLOW the REAL KING of the JEWS! There is always a COST for the TRUTH! The Real MASHIACH comes with a Tslav/A Tree/A Cross for you and I to carry for our generation! Before we can REIGN with HIM and become “TREES planted by the Rivers of Water,” we must first carry one spiritually!

THERE IS NO REIGN WITHOUT PAIN! That is exactly why the Jewish nation have suffered so much throughout history; it is because they are DESTINED by YHVH to REIGN with HIM but yet at the same time they are destined to serve all the other nations as MAMLECHET COHANIM /a Kingdom of Priests! And yet today individually there is STILL a cup of suffering to DRINK up and an Immersion of Rejection to endure in order to follow the REAL LIVING KING MESSIAH/ MELECH HAMASHIACH YESHUA and then begin to REIGN in & through HIM and eventually WITH HIM when He steps foot on the earth again as according to the Jewish Prophet Zechariah in Zechariah 14!

“What shall I render unto YHVH for all His benefits toward me? I will Take UP the Cup of Yeshua/Salvation, and call upon the Name of YHVH! I will pay my vows to YHVH now in the presence of ALL His People!” Tehilim/Psalm 116:12-14 That my friends is exactly what I’ve been called to do, B”H/ with God’s Help; and not only me but we are ALL called to do so! TAKE UP THAT CUP OF YESHUA! In doing so is your only REDEMPTION/GEULAH! RESURRECTION FROM OUR DEAD WORKS!

A Rabbi whom I admire and respect very much, some years ago now, upon hearing about my God-given Assignment ( A-Sign-(to)-Men) which YHVH sovereignly entrusted unto me, said to me: “You think it’s going to be easy Micha’el? It’s NOT going to be easy you know!” To which I replied: “Nothing of true worth is ever EASY!” We have to fight for TRUTH, fight for our Heaven-given right to know the One true God and to serve and to Praise HIM with understanding and BOLDNESS in SPIRIT & in TRUTH!

We were born to know HIM and to partake of the TREE of LIFE/ Etz Chaim and NOT of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad which most religions eat out of! Don’t get me wrong Knowledge in and of itself is Good but what we need MOSTLY and DESPERATELY is a God-Given REVELATION of YHVH! For Knowledge, even knowledge of God, PUFFS UP but REVELATION OF YHVH ALWAYS HUMBLES! There are lots of good knowledge out there but also lots of bad knowledge that corrupts the Good in all the religions of men, including Christianity and modern day Judaism! But be mindful that our traditions, our Pride, even our families and loved ones and certainly the enemy of our soul, Hasatan himself, will NOT let us go so easily! Therefore we must spiritually FIGHT putting on the Armor of God and believe with complete & STRONG FAITH that YHVH will lead us us into ALL TRUTH in these last days if we seek HIM and TRULY want the Knowledge of MASHIACH NOW because there is a spiritual battle for our FAITH in this generation like never before; (as these are truly the last days, the Generation that will see the Coming of MASHIACH, (false and the True One) that ONLY THE STRONG IN FAITH WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUSLY!

YESHUA said “When the Son of Man comes, shall He find FAITH in the earth?” That my friends is a relevant question for our time NOW, TODAY, to ponder on and hopefully act on! Yes, for Faith acts! Faith without works or actions is dead, powerless, religious faith! And in order to WIN, we MUST STAND STRONG in Faith! Not with our own strength will we stand but with Almighty God’s Strength which He generously imparts unto all those who commit their hearts to radically Follow hard after HIM and to serve ONLY Him in Truth!

“Let Your Hand be upon the Man of Your right Hand, upon the Son of Man whom You have made STRONG for Yourself! Then we will NOT turn back from You; Revive us and we will call upon Your Name! Restore us, YHVH Elohim Tsevaot/God of Armies; Cause Your Face to shine, and we shall be saved!” Tehilim/Psalms 80:17-19

“I will leave in your midst a meek and humble people, and they shall TRUST in the Name of YHVH! The Remnant of Israel shall do no unrighteousness and speak NO LIES, nor shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth; for they shall feed their flocks and lie down, and no one shall make them afraid!” Zephaniah 3:12-13

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says YHVH, thoughts of Peace and not of evil, to give you a FUTURE and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says YHVH, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says YHVH, and I will bring you to the Place/ HAMAKOM from which I caused you to be carried away captive!” Jeremiah 29:11-14

It takes great HUMILITY and MEEKNESS and COURAGE to acknowledge our shortcomings, our sin (our missing of God’s mark), and to acknowledge that we have inherited lies all these years and therefore NEED to repent and turn from our unBELIEF caused by believed lies!

“O LORD, my Strength and my fortress, my Refuge in the Day of affliction, Nations/Goyim shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “Surely our fathers have inherited LIES, worthlessness and unprofitable things.” Jeremiah 16:19

And folks that certainly includes the ‘GOY Kadosh’/ the ‘Holy Nation’ of Israel and all the Jews scattered throughout the nations of today from the ends of the earth who have inherited many LIES, especially lies about our LIVING REIGNING MASHIACH!

“In those days and in that time,” says YHVH, “the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah TOGETHER; with continual weeping they shall come, and seek YHVH their God. They shall ask the WAY to ZION, with their faces toward it, saying, ‘Come and let JOIN ourselves to YHVH in a perpetual Brit/Covenant that will NOT be forgotten.’ “My People have been lost sheep. Their shepherds have led them ASTRAY; they have turned them away on the Mountains. They have gone from Mountain to hill; they have forgotten their Resting Place. All who found them have devoured them; and their adversaries said, ‘We have NOT offended, BECAUSE they have SINNED against YHVH, the Habitation of Justice/Righteousness/Tsedek, YHVH, the HOPE of their fathers.'” Jeremiah 50:4-7

For “Will a man make gods for himself which are NOT gods? Verse 20 of Jeremiah 16! Don’t you know that our wrong understanding of Scripture and our wrong interpretation thereof which we proudly hold on to can sometimes and do become our gods, our false idols that we lift up even over the One True God! If we exalt our learned lies above HIS TRUTH and refuse to take or accept God’s WORD at its Value and if we aren’t willing to let go of falsehood and REPENT for having believed LIES, and speaking and teaching them also to others all these years and centuries, then we are worshiping false gods and false idols, ideologies and torahs of men! We must not think as men think but we must learn to think as God thinks! In order to be mindful of His KINGDOM and align ourselves with His thoughts and Ways, we must become Humble and Meek and Learn of His Ways, of His Truth and of His Life given unto us as our WAY into DESTINY with YHVH! It TAKES GREAT COURAGE for one to do so and to step outside of the camp, in regards to learned thoughts and understanding of Who YHVH was to COME to know WHO HE IS in truth. I can assure you that Hashem will give the COURAGE and WISDOM needed to those who ask for it and will NOT withhold any good thing from them!

But unfortunately many of us are COWARDS and we lack the backbone to swim upstream against the flow and STAND for what we know deep inside to be TRUE! Even though we know we have terribly erred, many would rather choose to LIVE IN ERROR AND FALSEHOOD than to face the fact that they’ve been misled and wrong for so long a time about certain Truths of YHVH! I’ve seen it and heard it several times from some of the Chevra! How truly sad! We must Humble ourselves and Hashem will exalt in His due Time for YHVH will only clothe those who Humble themselves with the Beauty of Yeshua/Salvation!

“Thus says YHVH: ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from YHVH. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall NOT see when good comes, but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land which is NOT inhabited!” [BUT] “Blessed is the man who TRUSTS in YHVH and whose hope is in YHVH. For He shall be like a TREE planted by the Waters, which spreads out its roots by the River, and will NOT FEAR when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will NOT be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit!” Jeremiah 17:5-8

“Blessed is the man who walks NOT in the counsel of the wicked/ungodly, (any teaching that exalts itself above what GOD has said, questioning God as the Serpent of Old once did by saying: ‘Has God truly said?” is ungodly counsel) NOR stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the (written) TORAH of YHVH, and in His TORAH he meditates day and night. He shall be like a TREE Planted by the Rivers of Water, that brings fruit in its season, whose leaf shall NOT wither; and whatever he does shall PROSPER. The ungodly/rebellious are NOT so, but are like the chaff which the Wind drives away. Therefore the ungodly shall NOT stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For YHVH knows the WAY of the Righteous, but the way of the wicked/ungodly shall PERISH!” Tehilim Alef/Psalm 1

Please note that the wicked or ungodly mentioned here are NOT necessarily non-religious, Atheists and secular people, No, not at all! You can encounter these in all the religions out there who claim to know and follow after a god! Notice they have a counsel, they have a place to sit and meet, they have a Path /a Derech, Halacha, a Way, a form of religion that it’s NOT necessarily of God’s Blueprint, the written TORAH/LAW nor the Counsel of YHVH do they follow, and they do have some kind of order, a form of godliness but they are deeply in error and denying the Power thereof. They have also built their own towel of Babel and houses of prayer and places of worship by which they intend on their own strength and dead works to reach Heaven, but they will NOT succeed but are but chaff which the Wind blows away, (and please note their END) THEY PERISH!

Proverbs 16:25 “There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death.”

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? I, YHVH, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 17:10

“RUACH ADONAI YHVH ALAI/The Breath/Spirit of Adonai YHVH is upon Me, Because the ANOINTING of YHVH is with Me or YHVH has Anointed Me/ YAAN MASHACH YHVH OTI; to bring Good News to the poor, He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to Proclaim Liberty to the Captives, and the Opening of the Prison to those who are bound; to Proclaim the Acceptable Year of YHVH, and the Day of Vengeance of our God; to Comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them Beauty for Ashes, the Oil of JOY for mourning, the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness; that THEY MAY BE CALLED TREES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, the Planting of YHVH, that He may be GLORIFIED!” Yeshayahu/Isaiah 61:1-3


“Those who SOW in tears shall REAP in JOY. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with REJOICING, bringing his sheaves with him!’ Tehilim/Psalm 126:5-6

“Our soul waits for YHVH; He is our Help and Shield. For our heart shall REJOICE in HIM, because we have trusted in His Holy Name. Let Your Mercy, YHVH, be upon us, just as we hope in YOU!” Tehilim/Psalm 33: 20-22

“For He (the TRUE MASHIACH) is coming, for He is coming to JUDGE the earth! He shall JUDGE the WORLD with RIGHTEOUSNESS and the peoples with His TRUTH!” Tehilim/Psalm 96:13

“How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge. Turn at my rebuke; surely I WILL POUR out My Spirit/RUACH on you; I will make My Words known to you.” Mishley/Proverbs 2:22-23


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