Mi Ya’aleh / Who May Ascend

Shalom Everyone,

Hope this finds you well and crowned in His favor for 2023 / 5783 & beyond…

We’re happy to announce Mi Yaaleh L’Har Kodsho / Who May Ascend to His Holy Mountain, Volumes I and II is ready, beloved! We pray you would totally enjoy the many very different sounds from the BenDavids and may these songs lead you directly to His Presence; to His Holy Mountain with clean hands and pure hearts before HaKadosh Baruch Hu the Holy One Blessed Be He!! Shalom Aleichem! A Blessed & Prosperous 2023 / 5783 to ALL in Yeshua!

Micha’el & Ashley!

Mi Ya’aleh / Who May Ascend, Volume 1

Mi Ya’aleh / Who May Ascend, Volume II

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